How to setup Samba client on Raspberry Pi

On the linux server1. You need to add the user first, ‘guest’ won’t work. : adduser –system shareuser: passwd shareuser 2. Permission the share directory : sudo chown shareuser:usergroup(or your username) sharedirectory/ -R 3. edit /etc/samba/smb.confadd these below,read only = nobrowsable = yespublic = yeswriteable = yesforce user = shareuser 4. restart the smbdsudo service … Read more How to setup Samba client on Raspberry Pi

Plesk: The easiest way to edit php.ini

Plesk is a complicated panel, it is not easy to understand their logic, here is one of the examples of how to set the php.ini easier without using a terminal. This is the most working method when you are getting WordPress or other applications php.ini warning, such as memory_limit, post_max_size, max_execution_time, upload_max_filesize, max_input_time also you … Read more Plesk: The easiest way to edit php.ini

Options Trading: Higher Winning Strategy.

Disclaimer: You must know how to read sticks at minimum requirement, that helps you to be able to foresee minutes ahead. register an account, it is free. once you registered, go to charts and add your favorite tickers and then above menu you will see the ‘fx’ icon, click on it and then click on … Read more Options Trading: Higher Winning Strategy.

Boost your Linux system 30x times faster, by mounting /dev/shm to /tmp

I’m sharing the tip for the linux system that will make your linux desktop much faster, by manipulating the /dev/shm system then mount it to /tmp /dev/shm is nothing but an implementation of the traditional shared memory concept. It is an efficient means of passing data between programs. One program will create a memory portion, … Read more Boost your Linux system 30x times faster, by mounting /dev/shm to /tmp